Friday, October 18, 2013

The story of our Baby Bjorn travel crib

The other day, I had one of those NYC moments where you're completely blown away by the kindness of a stranger.  I was on the Upper West Side for a doctor's appointment and stopped into Housing Works to check for anything good.  I was in the store for 10 seconds and heard a woman behind me saying "Excuse me!"  I thought, no way that's for me.  I turned around anyway and she proceeded to ask me if this was my first baby.  Well, her son and daughter-in-law had a baby and bought her this here travel crib for when baby stays at Grandma's.  She can't figure the thing out, it's too complicated, never been used, Housing Works doesn't take baby gear donations, and she can't carry it around anymore.  Would I please take it from her?  I couldn't believe it, but of course I could take it!  Before I could fully express my deepest gratitude, she shook my hand and said, "Just be nice to someone else today."

Her matter-of-factness about this damn baby gear, combined with incredible warmth and generosity, reminded me of my dear mother-in-law.  As I sat in my $35 cab ride home, I thought about who I would encounter during the rest of my housewifely day that I could be nice to... Chris most def... and of course, cabbie got a little bit better of a tip!  I hope to continue paying it forward.

Thank you so very much, sweet lady!

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