Sunday, April 26, 2015


A few photos from our weekend...
I finally realized that Blogger has a phone app, which I'm hoping might help me to post here more often!  I can't believe Phoebe is 16 months old. She's a real walking / "talking" toddler! She says a few words: bah bah (bye bye), duh (duck), dada, and mama or maaam (mostly she only says mama - music to my ears - when distressed!).

Phoeb is starting to play on her own with toys a little more.  Today I let her "unload" a few plastic things from the dishwasher... And she put them in and out, and back and forth to her play kitchen.

We stay busy during the week.  We are happiest when out and about!  We go to music class on Mondays and a really nice play group on Thursdays.  Target and Trader Joe's are also highlights of our week :)

It's hard to believe, but we've lived in Jersey now for almost a year.  And now that we've made friends in our neighborhood, we're going to move soon! We found a great place, twice the size of our current apartment. Also in NJ, only 10 min (without traffic ;) from our current place.  So we can keep our friends!  We can't wait.

We're enjoying the spring weather.  Phoebe started protesting her outerwear at the end of winter - that was challenging!  I'm trying to point out all the flowers and buds on the trees as we walk.  Phoebe sits straight up in her stroller, she loves looking around and taking it all in.

Bah - I know I've said this before - but I hope to post here more often to keep track of all these memories!