Tuesday, December 31, 2013

She's here!!

Introducing our Christmas miracle, Phoebe Claire!  Born December 19, 2013 at 8:17pm.  7lbs, 12oz and 21 inches long.

We are completely in love with her and beside ourselves with joy.  What a way to end the year!  We are so incredibly grateful for our healthy pregnancy and beautiful daughter.  2013 has been very, very good to us.  Looking forward to really savoring 2014!

More soon!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Thanksgiving weekend

3 pets in a car...
Cinnabon vodka?!
Two cooked turkeys

Got our tree!
We had such a nice Thanksgiving weekend with family in the suburbs.  I feel like we did a lot in addition to the holiday: celebrated mom's faabulous 50th; a trip to mecca (Target); another [new to us] mecca in Pennsylvania, Sky King Fireworks, for some sparklers; a Weyerbacher Brewery visit.  I don't know that anyone opened the Cinnabon vodka though!  When we got home, we got our tree - kind of a baby-sized tree, for a very baby Christmas.  We've been anticipating this time of year for so many months now, it's crazy that it's here.  Baby is due in less than two weeks!  Hopefully I can take a few photos of her room before she arrives.  In the meantime, we're preparing for hibernation.  Wish I took a photo of the small mountain of paper products we bought at Target!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Our baby shower!

Last weekend, our family and friends came from near and far to throw us the most wonderful "his and hers" baby showers!  The ladies enjoyed a fun and fab Miffy-themed baby extravaganza, while the guys went out for beers.  We have truly been showered with such incredible love and generosity, there are no words for how lucky we are.  A very big thank you to my mom and sister, who put so much effort in to make the day fun and special.  And a big thank you to our friends who took photos, otherwise we would have none!  It's really hard to believe, just about 5 weeks left!?  We are so lucky to be welcoming our baby, and so lucky to be surrounded by so much love. 

Monday, October 28, 2013


Chris and I aren't big Halloween people, but we can definitely get into dogs in costume and beer served from a pumpkin cask!  Our local dog park had a little dog costume party/contest on Saturday.  Our favorite dog costume, aside from the adorable duck of course, was Sandwich the Walmart greeter!  After the dog park, we went out for beer and... water :)  It was a great little fall-y weekend.

Friday, October 18, 2013

The story of our Baby Bjorn travel crib

The other day, I had one of those NYC moments where you're completely blown away by the kindness of a stranger.  I was on the Upper West Side for a doctor's appointment and stopped into Housing Works to check for anything good.  I was in the store for 10 seconds and heard a woman behind me saying "Excuse me!"  I thought, no way that's for me.  I turned around anyway and she proceeded to ask me if this was my first baby.  Well, her son and daughter-in-law had a baby and bought her this here travel crib for when baby stays at Grandma's.  She can't figure the thing out, it's too complicated, never been used, Housing Works doesn't take baby gear donations, and she can't carry it around anymore.  Would I please take it from her?  I couldn't believe it, but of course I could take it!  Before I could fully express my deepest gratitude, she shook my hand and said, "Just be nice to someone else today."

Her matter-of-factness about this damn baby gear, combined with incredible warmth and generosity, reminded me of my dear mother-in-law.  As I sat in my $35 cab ride home, I thought about who I would encounter during the rest of my housewifely day that I could be nice to... Chris most def... and of course, cabbie got a little bit better of a tip!  I hope to continue paying it forward.

Thank you so very much, sweet lady!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

29 weeks

Time is really flying these days.  I can't believe we're in the third trimester now!  In the last couple weeks, we test drove our top stroller pick, looked at FLOR samples, and bought a pair of maternity jeans.  Second breakfasts and lots of snacks are going on.  And I'm feeling that nesting instinct coming on strong.  Chris says there's a specific tone of voice I use when I'm about to mention something else we need to buy :)  We're gradually cleaning out baby's bedroom.  This weekend, we're moving the treadmill out and next week, bringing the crib in!  Sometime soon, the dog's sleeping area needs to move away from the baby's room too.  These are momentous days, for all of us!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Our third anniversary!

Happy third anniversary to my husband, my best friend and soulmate!  We have so much to celebrate this anniversary, there is no greater gift than our baby on the way.  I'm liking our tradition of taking a photo every anniversary, even if we are wiped out, on the couch, and wearing a Breathe Right!  We'll want to remember what we did that day.  Tonight we had chicken pot pie, are re-watching Homeland episodes, and ordering a new Le Creuset pan.  Happy anniversary to my love!!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

26 weeks

Making dinner.  Kitty in a tray.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Over Labor Day weekend, Chris and I visited Toronto.  This was my first time visiting the beautiful, modern city.  We had lots of good food, beer (Chris), and mocktails (me).  We visited the Hockey Hall of Fame.  Chris got an awesome pair of shorts!  Toronto also seems to be home to several HGTV stars and a big interior design scene, so I was totally starstruck driving past the Toronto Ikea - Sarah and Tommy have definitely been there!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Two weeks, two weddings

We hadn't been to a wedding in a couple years, but in the past two weeks, we've been to two!  Congratulations to the happy couples!

Friday, August 23, 2013

23 weeks

Making dinner.  My sidekick waits to be entertained.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Summer wind-down

We've had some really nice, cool weather this week and it's got me so ready for fall.  Duck and I crashed the daily dog walkers' meetup at the park.  I made some new friends!

In the last couple weeks I've had an urge to start buying a few baby things.  So I've been.... letting myself going with it a little bit!  This fall is going to be a very exciting time, I can't wait.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Our happiest news!

Chris and I are so incredibly happy and thankful to announce that we are expecting a baby girl in December!  We are 21 weeks along now.  After our anatomy scan last week, I made these pink cupcakes to celebrate!  

It feels surreal that our dreams are finally coming true, prayers are being answered.  After a somewhat long road to this point, including a devastating miscarriage over a year ago, I've been a little hesitant to broadcast our good news.  Very happily, everything is looking good and we are so grateful.

I'm really looking forward to documenting pregnancy and parenthood.  I've been waiting for the day when this little blog could become a mommy blog!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Summer heatwave

A few photos from this week, which included a sweet visit with our 6 year old niece, a massive heatwave, peak-season blueberries, and a new outside dog potty(!).

PS. Happy 21st birthday to my brother!