Monday, November 3, 2014

Nine & ten months

Nine and ten months!  This has been such a sweet and precious time.  Phoebe is officially crawling, pulling up to stand, has two bottom teeth, and is clapping and waving like crazy.  She waves at almost everyone and everything, as if to say "hi, I see you."  We can't get enough.  We just retired the jumperoo, only to be replaced by the "activity garden."  We're starting to feel really nostalgic as Phoebe approaches one year.  How is it possible?!  She's babbling so much and saying "baba" and "nana" and "dada."  She graduated to a bigger convertible carseat, and I don't want to jinx it, but is crying much less and has started falling asleep (finally!) in the car.  Phoebe loves her kitties and doggie, but has started giving them some sneak attacks and squeezes... which don't always go over well.  Now that Phoebe is pretty mobile, she loves making a bee line for the dog food.  We love you, love you, love you, Phoeb!!  We can't believe how unbelievably lucky (and a little tired ;) we are to be your parents. 

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