Friday, May 23, 2014

Five months

Five months!  I just love these pics of Phoebe at her first ever music sing along this week.  She had never seen so many kids!  She also had her hair pulled for the first time, luckily there wasn't too much hair for the other baby to grab onto ;)

Phoebe is casually trying some solids.  She likes bananas, avocados/guacamole, hummus, cereal, and her baby teething biscuits.  Duck is also INSANE for the biscuits.  Our pediatrician gave us the green light on anything but raw honey, but we're taking it slow...

The first three nights of cereal, Phoebe gifted us with 8 straight hours of sleep.  I'm not counting on this being a regular thing.  We're definitely in the slow lane to self-soothing and independent sleeping, which Chris and I are both fine with for now.  Crying it out just doesn't sit right.

Phoebe loves seeing what her pets are doing - she lights up when she sees our little cat Chip!  She also loves Duck, of course, but I think since she sees him constantly, he's less exciting.  Duck is wherever we are.

I can't believe how big our baby girl is.  She loves her jumperoo, her crinkly dolly, her Miffy night light.  She still hates the car, but is enjoying her stroller more and more.  She can sit while leaning forward for a few seconds and is starting to "inchworm" - she definitely wants to move!

We love you so much Phoebe girl!

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